Contact us.

Mikael Mölstad, initiator:
070-727 21 22 

Frida Rönnlund, project leader:
070-899 96 86

Responsible Organization
Emma Serner, chairman:
070-497 76 82

Folder for downloads.

In collaboration with:

The Swedish Wine Tasting is organised on behalf of The Swedish Industry Association for Oenology and Viticulture (SBOV) in collaboration with The Swedish Industry Association of Swedish Wine producers (FSV), The Swedish Wine writers Guild (SVF), Kristianstad University, The Try Swedish Export Programme by Business Sweden, Visit Skåne, Visit Sweden, Båstad Tourism & Business, Gram Group, Hotel Riviera Strand, Norrviken, Still Sparkling water, From Sweden, and Koenigsegg. The project team consists of Mikael Mölstad, Sören Polonius, Karsten Thurfjell, Frida Rönnlund, and Ami Hovstadius.