The Swedish Wine Tasting is organised on behalf of The Swedish Industry Association for Oenology and Viticulture (SBOV) in collaboration with The Swedish Industry Association of Swedish Wineproducers (FSV), The Swedish Winewriters Guild (SVF), Kristianstad University, The Try Swedish Export Programme by Business Sweden, Visit Skåne, Visit Sweden, Båstad Tourism & Business, Gram Group, Hotel Riviera Strand, Norrviken, Still Sparkling water, From Sweden, and Koenigsegg.
The project team consists of Mikael Mölstad, Sören Polonius, Karsten Thurfjell, Frida Rönnlund, and Ami Hovstadius. -
Yes. Very much so. There are currently some 200 Swedish wine producers with a growing number of commercial ventures – today around 70. In total there are approximately 200 hectares of vineyards producing about 500,000 bottles a year. There are two trade organisations: SBOV (Sveriges Branschorganisation för Oenologi & Vitikultur) and FSV (Föreningen Svenskt Vin), with SBOV organising the largest producers.
Manifest the development and quality of Swedish wine as a starting point for the Swedish wine industry internationally.
Carry out a unique tasting with Swedish and european wines in collaboration with the world's leading opinion leaders in wine.
Strengthen Sweden's competitiveness as an innovative and sustainable food and beverage nation and promote Swedish food exports and meal tourism.
Piwi is a German abbreviation of ”Pilzwiderstandsfähige Reben”, meaning ”fungus-resistant grape varieties”. These are by far the most planted grape varieties in Sweden and they include solaris, souvignier gris, muscaris, donauriesling, pinot nova and cabernet cortis.
Piwi grapes show particularly strong resistance to the vine diseases powdery and downy mildew. Through the classic crossing of American wild grapevines with a natural resistance to the pathogens of the European vitis vinifera vines, it has been possible to breed new sustainable grape varieties that require hardly any plant protection. They combine good flavour with high resistance and help winegrowers to protect the environment.
Here you’ll be able to find all the material needed to dive further into The Swedish Wine Tasting – and Sweden as a wine country in general. Press the link to find pictures, pressmaterial, maps and more.
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Here we display news as soon as they are available and ready to be published (some will be in English, some in Swedish).
Swedish wine at its peak as Sweden goes head-to-head with Europe.
Swedish wine tops international wine tasting.